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Research OutcomesWP3 Information on research outcomes on CIP/CIR (Critical Infrastructure Protection/Resilience)
Cyber-Threat Intelligence Dashboard for Financial Organizations INNOV 12
Efficient Privacy Preserving Analytics Solutions for Physical Security of Financial Infrastructures INNOV 10
Assessing resilience of healthcare infrastructure exposed to COVID-19: emerging risks, resilience indicators, interdependencies and international standards Steinbeis EU-VRi
Basic Resource Document (BRD) for ISO 31050 Steinbeis EU-VRi
Collaborative Risk Assessment Services in the Financial Services Supply Chain INNOV 11
Decentralized Security Information Sharing Infrastructure and Tools INNOV 3
Disseminating project results to resilience-related organizations and exploring future applications Steinbeis EU-VRi
Dissemination of the SmartResilience assessment methodology and tools through publications and proceedings Steinbeis EU-VRi
Document Template EU-VRi template
Predictive Analytics Service INNOV 2
Predictive Cyber Physical Threat Intelligence for the Infrastructures of the Financial Sector INNOV 13
Predictive Model for Software Vulnerability Management in Telecommunication Infrastructures ORO - H2020 RESISTO
Reference Architecture for Integrated Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence in the Financial Sector INNOV 14
Resilience and Situational Awareness in Critical Infrastructure Protection: An Indicator-Based Approach Steinbeis EU-VRi
Risk Assessment Engine (RAE) INNOV 7
Scalable Analytics for Anomaly Detection in the Cloud INNOV 8
Security Knowledge Base INNOV 5
Security Monitoring Infrastructure INNOV 1
Threat classification in current Communication Infrastructures ORO - H2020 RESISTO
Vulnerability Assessment Solution for Finance INNOV 9