Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services - Crisis management of water utilities ISO 24518:2015
Adaptation to climate change - Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment ISO 14091:2021
Adaptation to climate change - Principles, requirements and guidelines ISO 14090:2019
Adaptation to climate change - Requirements and guidance on adaptation planning for local governments and communities ISO/TS 14092:2020
Cybersecurity - Artificial Intelligence - Guidance for addressing security threats and failures in artificial intelligence systems ISO/IEC AWI 27090
Cybersecurity - Guidelines for Internet security ISO/IEC FDIS 27032
Cybersecurity - IoT security and privacy - Device baseline requirements ISO/IEC DIS 27402
Cybersecurity - IoT security and privacy - Guidelines ISO/IEC 27400:2022
Cybersecurity – IoT security and privacy – Guidelines for IoT-domotics ISO/IEC DIS 27403
Cybersecurity - Multi-party coordinated vulnerability disclosure and handling ISO/IEC TR 5895:2022
Cybersecurity – Security considerations throughout the product life cycle ISO/IEC CD TR 6114
Cybersecurity - Security recommendations for establishing trusted connections between devices and services ISO/IEC FDIS 27071
Cybersecurity - Security reference model for industrial internet platform (SRM- IIP) ISO/IEC FDIS 24392
Cybersecurity - Supplier relationships - Part 1: Overview and concepts ISO/IEC 27036-1:2021
Cybersecurity - Supplier relationships - Part 2: Requirements ISO/IEC 27036-2:2022
Cybersecurity - Supplier relationships - Part 3: Guidelines for hardware, software, and services supply chain security ISO/IEC FDIS 27036-3
Document Template EU-VRi template
Facility management – Guidance on emergency preparedness and management of an epidemic ISO/DIS 41017
Facility management - The role of FM in sustainability and resilience ISO/AWI TR 41019
Greenhouse gas management and related activities - Framework including principles and requirements for assessing and reporting investments and financing activities related to climate change ISO 14097:2021
Guidance for managing emerging risks to enhance resilience ISO/CD TS 31050
Guidelines for Implementation of Enterprise Legal Risk Management ISO/AWI 31022
Information security, cyber security and privacy protection - Guidance on ISO/IEC 27002 attributes ISO/IEC AWI 27028
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Application of ISO 31000:2018 for organizational privacy risk management ISO/IEC 27557:2022
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Evaluation criteria for IT security - Methodology for IT security evaluation ISO/IEC 18045:2022
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Evaluation criteria for IT security - Patch Management Extension for the ISO/IEC 15408 series and ISO/IEC 18045 ISO/IEC CD TS 9569
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Governance of information security ISO/IEC 27014:2020
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidelines on personally identifiable information deletion ISO/IEC 27555:2021
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Hardware monitoring technology for hardware security assessment ISO/IEC CD TR 5891
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection – Privacy enhancing data de-identification framework ISO/IEC 27559:2022
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication ISO/IEC 27551:2021
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Sector-specific application of ISO/IEC 27001 - Requirements ISO/IEC 27009:2020
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - User-centric privacy preferences management framework ISO/IEC 27556:2022
Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 31: Key performance indicators for resilience ISO/IEC CD TS 22237-31
Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security controls ISO/IEC 27002:2022
Information technology - Security techniques - Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 ISO/IEC 27013:2021
Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for cybersecurity ISO/IEC 27032:2012
Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Requirements ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Information technology - Security techniques - Information security risk management ISO/IEC 27005:2022
Management system for private security operations - Requirements with guidance for use ISO 18788:2015
Mechanism for financing local adaptation to climate change - Performance-based climate resilience grants - Requirements and guidelines ISO 14093:2022
Risk management - Principles and guidelines ISO 31000
Risk management - Risk assessment techniques ISO/IEC 31010*IEC/ISO 31010
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Framework for establishing trustworthy supply chains ISO/WD 22373
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - General principles for product fraud risk and countermeasures ISO 22380:2018
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for brand protection and enforcement procedures ISO/CD TS 22386
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for establishing interoperability among object identification systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade ISO 22381:2018
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for interoperable object identification and related authentication systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade ISO 22378:2022
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for securing physical documents ISO/DIS 22388
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for the content, security, issuance and examination of excise tax stamps ISO 22382:2018
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for the selection and performance evaluation of authentication solutions for material goods ISO 22383:2020
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines to establish a framework for trust and interoperability ISO 22385:2023
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines to establish and monitor a protection plan and its implementation ISO 22384:2020
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Specification and usage of Visible Digital Seal (VDS) data format for authentication, verification and acquisition of data carried by a document or object ISO/DIS 22376
Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Validation procedures for the application of artefact metrics ISO 22387:2022
Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Guidance on the use of ISO 22301 ISO 22313:2020
Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for business continuity strategy ISO/AWI TS 22331
Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for developing business continuity plans and procedures ISO/TS 22332:2021
Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for people aspects of business continuity ISO/AWI TS 22330
Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Requirements ISO 22301:2019
Security and resilience - Community resilience - Guidelines for conducting peer reviews ISO 22392:2020
Security and resilience - Community resilience - Guidelines for information exchange between organizations ISO/AWI 22396
Security and resilience - Community resilience - Guidelines for planning recovery and renewal ISO 22393:2023
Security and resilience - Community resilience - Guidelines for supporting community response to vulnerable people ISO/CD 22395
Security and resilience - Crisis management - Concept, principles and framework ISO/WD TS 22360.2
Security and resilience - Crisis management - Guidelines ISO 22361:2022
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Community-based landslide early warning system ISO/AWI 22327
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for capability assessment ISO 22325:2016
Security and resilience – Emergency management – Guidelines for colour-coded alert ISO 22324:2022
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for incident response ISO/AWI 22320
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for monitoring facilities with identified hazards ISO/CD 22326
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for public warning ISO 22322:2022
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for the use of social media in emergencies ISO 22329:2021
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Part 1: General guidelines for the implementation of a community-based disaster early warning system ISO 22328-1:2020
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Part 2: Guidelines for the implementation of a community-based early warning system for landslides ISO/DIS 22328-2
Security and resilience - Emergency management - Part 3: Guidelines for the implementation of a community-based early warning system for tsunamis ISO 22328-3:2023
Security and resilience - Energy resilience - Framework and principles ISO/AWI 22366
Security and resilience - Guideline for complexity assessment process to improve security and resilience. ISO/AWI 22375
Security and resilience - Guidelines for hosting and organizing citywide or regional events ISO 22379:2022
Security and resilience - Guidelines for organizational resilience ISO/DIS 22316
Security and resilience - Guidelines for planning the involvement of spontaneous volunteers ISO/DIS 22319
Security and resilience - Hardened protective shelters - Guidelines ISO/CD 22359
Security and resilience - Organizational resilience - Guidelines for resilience policy and strategy ISO/CD 22336
Security and resilience - Protective security - Guidelines for an enterprise protective security architecture and framework ISO/CD 22340
Security and resilience - Protective security - Guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design ISO 22341:2021
Security and resilience - Protective security - Guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design for residential facilities ISO/CD 22344
Security and resilience - Protective security - Guidelines for the development of a security plan for an organization ISO/FDIS 22342
Security and resilience - Resilient Infrastructure - Guidelines ISO/WD 22372
Security and resilience - Security management systems - Requirements ISO 28000:2022
Security and resilience - Terminology ISO/DIS 22300
Security and resilience - Urban resilience - Framework and principles ISO/TR 22370:2020
Security and resilience - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating ISO/DIS 22343-1
Security management systems for the supply chain - Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans - Requirements and guidance ISO 28001:2007
Security management systems for the supply chain - Development of resilience in the supply chain - Requirements with guidance for use ISO 28002:2011
Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 3: Additional specific guidance for adopting ISO 28000 for use by medium and small businesses (other than marine ports) ISO 28004-3:2014
Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 4: Additional specific guidance on implementing ISO 28000 if compliance with ISO 28001 is a management objective ISO 28004-4:2014
Security management systems for the supply chain - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems ISO 28003:2007
Societal security - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for business impact analysis (BIA) ISO/TS 22317
Societal security - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for supply chain continuity ISO/TS 22318
Societal security - Emergency management - Message structure for exchange of information ISO/TR 22351
Societal security - Guidelines for establishing partnering arrangements prEN ISO 22397(WI=00391014)
Societal security - Guidelines for exercises ISO 22398:2013
Societal security - Mass evacuation - Guidelines for planning prEN ISO 22315(WI=00391015)
Societal security - Video-surveillance - Export interoperability ISO 22311:2012
Software and systems engineering - Systems resilience - Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary ISO/IEC CD 9837-1